Mainstream Media

One of the bubbles of collective consciousness that we are being forced to shine a light on so that we can dismantle it is the main stream media. This actually directly correlates to the personal share that I posted recently. In short, we are all on the battlefield together to bring the human to a higher state of consciousness.

I took the liberty of transcribing a recent Lorie Ladd video that really dives into this. I added my own commentary where appropriate. As a society, we are seeing the collative of mainstream media getting crazier and crazier. Lorie uses an analogy of an abusive relationship to help illustrate the grip that it has over us. In the beginning of a relationship you are usually happy, having fun, you love them, you probably feel safe and comforted or protected when you are together. But then the manipulation, gaslighting, or physical or emotional abuse begins and slowly, over time, you are groomed to be in an abusive relationship. In the beginning you may think it is not a big deal and that it will change or things will get better. The mainstream media is similar. It will tell you things that may or may not be true, in order to create fear and anxiety within you. At the same time, they are telling you you that it’s ok and they will take care of you. One narrative that we are hearing a lot is: “Don’t worry if you can’t open your business or if you lose your job because of this scary thing. This is for your own good, and we will take care of you!” But you may be thinking to your self that this doesn’t actually make you feel good or it doesn’t sit right with you. Worse, you may be told or forced to ignore your own intuition or what your gut is telling you.

Sine the early relationship was good and you were happy then, you believe them. You may start to make excuses like they obviously want what’s best for you, and if they are in a position of power, they may even know better than you. With the media, just like with your partner, you may say “but they love me.” The dangerous part is that our brains WANT to see the best in everyone. It is easier to hold on to the thought that this is a good person, or the media wouldn’t lie to us. But what happens when a friend comes into your life and says to you: “Hey, you know what, that’s not good. Your partner shouldn’t hit you.” Or “it’s not ok for them to make you feel that way.” What comes next is that partner usually separates and alienates you by saying that your friend is only trying to lie to you or to ruin your life or doesn’t want you to be happy.

What does the mainstream media do when we start to shine a light on something or start to ask questions or challenge the narrative? They are essentially saying to us: “NOOO, you can’t look there! Don’t think like THOSE people. Be afraid of them, don’t think like them!” And if you do happen to think like them, you are wrong. Worse, they may try make you feel bad about yourself for going against the narrative. They are trying create a massive divide between people because it keeps us in lower states or frequencies, and thus we are easier to manipulate or control.

Here is one example that I saw posted on Twitter today. It’s topical, and comical, I suppose when you look at it from a neutral space.


Elon Musk (love him or hate him), should be able to share a personal experience that he had without being attacked by a “How dare you post that?!” response. By the way, the tweet reprimanding him had over 15k likes at the time of writing this post. When did sharing a personal experience, especially one that is so relevant today, become irresponsible? And why can’t he shine a light on that subject without being ridiculed?

Censorship has become out of control. YouTube has deplatformed entire channels and Facebook blocks videos from being shared entirely. If it does allow you post, you may be bombard you with “fact checkers” that threaten to put you in Facebook or Twitter “jail” if you do not comply by editing or removing your post. The very foundation that our contry was found on - free speech - is no longer allowed. If you dare post something that might go against the “authoritative narrative” or even pose a question, you could face these harsh realities.

Similar to the abusive partner, mainstream media will try to create a divide, and this is when you may start to develop cognitive dissonance as a coping mechanism. You might start to see what your friend is trying to show you, but you can’t fathom that your partner would be doing all this bad stuff, even though they are. But on top of that, where else would you go? And for the mainstream media, how else would you know the truth if this authoritative source can no longer be trusted. It’s not like we have many options when the same 5-6 groups and channels are saying the same thing. See my post on being informed vs. inundated for reference.

Lorie gives us some questions we can ask when we start to evaluate what we are being shown now and in the coming weeks:

  1. Is there one narrative in this now moment that all the mainstream media is giving us? Are they all telling us the same thing about a certain topic, or are there multiple stories, theories or ideas being discussed that we can look at, assess, and consider? If there is only one narrative, why is there only one? We all know there are multiple sides to a story or various truths, so why are we being prohibited from seeing them? Also, don’t we have the right to see this so that we can talk about it and decide for ourselves what to believe? Why is there censorship, and a “YOU HAVE TO THINK THIS WAY!!” response - on all platforms?

  2. Is the mainstream media objective or subjective? In other words, is there an agenda or are there multiple opinions being shared?

  3. Why are people considered conspiracy theorists, crazy, or delusional if they do not agree with said topic if it does not fit their narrative?

  4. How does it feel when you are listening or viewing the media. Close your eyes and observe. Does the energy feel expansive, free, loving and empowered? Or does it feel restrictive, create fear, anxiety, and disempowerment within you?

We are shifting a whole human collective on the battle field and the mainstream media is holding us in lower states of consciousness of fear, anxiety, stress, worry and control. Again, all of this has to be seen to be dismantled, so that we can move into and anchor in the higher states of consciousness and shift other people.

I encourage you to pay attention to how you feel when you listen to what is being presented and observe what your body is telling you. If you are experiencing these feelings of anxiety and fear, you can CHOOSE whether you want to stay in it, or if you want to shift into higher states. If the mainstream media is providing us with the opportunities to feel fear, anxiety, disempowerment then isn’t that providing us an opportunity to assess what is no longer serving us and what is in a lower state so that we can choose to see it and dismantle it by stepping OUT of it?

These questions are extremely important in discernment and we will talk about it more in future posts. It is not necessarily about being in the matrix or not, though we are in fact actually in it. But we don’t have to be. We can see the systems, programs and paradigms that are being shown so that they can be dismantled but it takes courage to do this. You have the right to decide if you want to look away from the social media posts or not to listen to the news. But you can also choose to look. And if you are looking and playing in it and feeling it, you might as well ask yourself what does it feel like. Ask yourself the following:

  • Are you in higher states of collectiveness and frequencies when you feel it? Awesome.

  • Are you denying the higher states because it’s an abusive relationship and/or you are comfortable with the abusive partner that you know?

  • Do you have power, feel free and sovereign?

  • Do you feel fearful and think that what you are being shown is the only narrative and you have to follow it?

All of these answers are ok, but we should be able to talk about it and not dismiss people for believing something, or worse belittling people or making someone feel bad for what they think and feel. Once we recognize that we are all on the same battlefield together we can be less divisive. We are all shifting together, and we are going to see the collective consciousness coming out of the shadows and we have to be honest with ourselves when this happens. We are seeing a collective that is in our faces, ready to be dismantled and we can choose to do it, energetically.

I saw a post on Twitter recently that posed the question that if Twitter and Facebook censored a news story that ultimately turns out to be true, what does that say about the role of big tech in our democracy? Further, what are the implications of the larger media outlets like CNN, MBC, ABC, also prohibiting these truths. I would say this only further underscores our own responsibility to seek truth through our own channels, and to not blindly follow what we are told.

The mainstream media is just one of the many collective consciousnesses or programs that we are being forced to examine. The same questions above can be applied when looking at the United States political arena, the education and medical systems or any other belief system or paradigm held by the collective. We can look at each more objectively and from a place of discernment. We will examine some of these other systems in future posts.

Now for fun, and because you’ve stuck with me this far, I am sharing a little info graphic below that I always find interesting when considering the sources of information we are most inundated by. It is interesting to see how they are all controlled by the same few companies. Just something to noodle!

Mainsteam media.png