Diving in
Similar to my previous post on the mainstream media, the narrative around COVID-19 is another one of the thorny topics that I know is raw and palpable right now. Since we are so much“in it,” it can be hard to observe it in a neutral space.
There is a common acceptance that when we are presented with an idea, we are first instructed to see it, and then told to see how that makes us feel. If you flip this scenario you can approach it from a place of observing something, feeling into it, and identifying how it makes you feel. You will be able to discern if it is in resonance with your truth frequency, or if something else bubbles up, like the frequency of fear, anxiety, lack of control, etc. In other words, is there an energetic match to to your truth frequency or not. The resonance of truth is a higher vibrational state and the states of fear, lies, corruption, manipulation, etc. hold and resonate a lower frequency. I think it is really important as we are doing our energy work to really look at the systems, narratives and stories we are being shown and use our own discernment to feel into it and choose how to respond.
I listened to an interview by Jason Shurka recently where he spoke with Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, MD. Dr. Palevsky is a world-renowned physician. He graduated NYU in 1987, and worked in pediatrics at Mount Sinai Hospital until 1990. Over the last 30 years, he has worked in both NYC hospitals and in private practice using holistic integrated perspectives to care for his patients. Jason and Dr. Palevsky discussed the concept of what a doctor or scientists, or even a lay-person, is supposed to do when they are confronted with information or beliefs that go against what they are being told, or is not in resonance with their own understanding. Further, they explore what happens when people are not allowed to talk about these ideas and concepts in meaningful ways. He said: “It makes us wonder if dissenting opinion is no longer welcome in society, and then it makes us wonder what kind of society are we living in where a give-and-take of different ideas or dissenting opinions are not welcome in the mainstream media”? I thought this was especially poignant in what we are witnessing occurring in society at this time. Dr. Palevsky continued, “On this planet, right now, what is needed is for people to keep an open mind. To critically think, and to not be convinced of how certain they are about the information they have been given. “In my understanding of knowledge, there are three ways of knowing things:
Being told what is true (ie by someone of “authority”)
Doing your own research and critical thinking to and discovering the truth and knowledge on your own experience.
We are losing 1 and 3. We are losing our ability to use our intuition and we are losing our ability to critically think, to discover answers, and to do our own research and have our own experiences. We are watching a society and a world where the only thing that we know to be true is what our authorities tell us to be true. And so we are externalizing our authority and our power, and we are giving it up to false gods and profits who we are trusting to guide us and take care of us properly. But the information doesn’t seem consistent with being able to trust all of what they are saying.
If we apply this logic and feeling to any of the controversial topics we are being forced to participate in and dismantle right now, we can feel into our truth around that topic. For the purpose of illustrating the steps that I apply in discerning my truth around a topic, I will do a “deep dive” into the Coronavirus (further referred to as CV19 to avoid censorship), but you can really substitute this for any other issue, like the current US political situation, climate change, or any other belief system or program that is being held by a portion of the collective.
If you recall from earlier posts, I have always held opinions on things that may not be the norm. In my post, “Early Life as an HSP,” one topic that has been a foundation of my knowingness since I was little has been my relationship with animals. I use this as an easy example because I feel strongly about this certain thing or subject and I am able to hold my personal truth in resonance by choosing how to respond in my own life. In this case, I honor my truth or resonance on that topic by choosing not to eat animals. I can do this with little or no discomfort or stress from outside factors. Meaning, I can basically live my life without having to prove my way of thinking to anyone else (unless I feel like participating in a conversation around my beliefs). This thought or belief also causes essentially no real impact on the lives of anyone else around me, like my family, friends, or even people in my town. Easy peasy. By contrast, we can examine the impact of holding a different personal truth (or intuition or knowingness) that may affect your body, your way of life, even your morals or your own sovereignty. If we look at something that goes against what the majority thinks right now, either due to their own beliefs, repetition of what the media says to think, or as a result of choosing not to look at something objectivity. We can see this unfold now as it relates to the stories or narratives about CV19 possibly going against our own resonance.
This topic, in general, is hard for me to observe without feeling like something has just been “off” since the beginning. By feeling into that deeper, I can really examine what about this causes such a trigger in me. It is something that I feel a strong resonance with because my truth is not in alignment with the truths that many of the population holds currently. To do this, I tune inward and sit with the concept of CV19 (not the “facts” that you think you know, because this is where your egoic mind may jump in to try to over-ride your intuitive mind). Instead, I get comfortable with the feeling that it generates within. What I get from that, is a sense or energetic response that there is mis-information being shared and perpetuated around the mainstream narrative. In short, I do not believe CV19 is a highly contagious super-infector like the media tells us, even though there are a ton of sources reinforcing this idea all around us.
Being told what is true:
There is no denying that censorship is on the rise. Many doctors are speaking about “controversial” topics and are being deplaformed, fired, and in some cases arrested. In March 2020, a physician noticed that the classic description of a viral illness didn’t fit with with how their patients were presenting. What they were needing as far as medical care, oxygen, ventilation or no ventilation, etc. was different. They spoke out on YouTube and the video went viral before it was censored. Many doctors world-wide talked about it and observed similar anomalies. They noticed that there was something different here and that they needed to treat it differently than the way they were being told to treat it.
This caused some in the medical community to take a step back and say “why are we being forced to speak a narrative that isn’t consistent to what we are seeing in the field and in clinical situations?” This raised a big question mark both for people in and out of the medical field. Why would scientific information be censored? Why isn’t there dialogue on what is being observed, and why are only a few people allowed to speak about it?
There are some, perhaps less popular or less conventional thoughts and opinions that are being shared by a smaller population. But for the most part, if you ask a question that goes against the mainstream narrative surrounding CV19 it is generally either dismissed as a conspiracy theory, or you are shunned for daring to question the “authorities.” Worse, many of the ideas that go against the mainstream narrative are even prohibited Or banned from Facebook and YouTube. Here is a short one-minute clip that helps to explain this point. In this video, Dr.Li-Meng Yang, a Chinese Virologist, discusses her findings on CV19 and is censored on all platforms, even having her account disabled.
Doing your own research and critical thinking
Looking at the Science:
Dr. Palevsky believes that there is a misunderstanding of the virus and provides his thoughts on why. He stated, “We were taught in medical school that bacteria are live organisms, and viruses are not live organisms - they are inert or dead. A virus in-and-of-itself can’t make another virus, therefore it has no ability to replicate or to do anything unless it is incorporated into the genetic machinery of a living organism (either an animal, plant, bacteria, or human). In short, a virus cannot hurt you unless it is imbedded in the genetic machinery and something turns it on to make more of it. What’s more, we walk around moment to moment, day to day, with viruses being turned on by outside forces all the time. Viruses are activated by our thoughts, the food we eat, the weather, the changes in seasons, our emotions, and even outside stressors or chemicals we are exposed to like toxins in our environment. Those viruses are signaled by an outside force to be turned on in our genetic material.”
He continues: “The human body is born with more than half a million viruses already embedded in its genetic code. Most of us in walk around believing that viruses aren’t in our body until someone who is sick gives them to us. This is incorrect. The human body contains over 100 trillion bacteria. On top of that, viruses are capable of being embedded inside the bacteria as well. We have more than half a million viruses coded within our genetics, plus 100 trillion bacteria that are lining us. We have the potential to be more virus than we are human!
We are always considering the only way to be exposed to a virus is for someone who is sick to give it to us. Most people do not understand that viruses are replicating in our body, in bacteria, and we are constantly breathing in viruses through the air. But we don’t get sick. This means viruses in and among themselves don’t make us sick unless there are conditions within our body and conditions outside of the body that signal the activation (or turning on and turning off) of these viruses.
Scientists also noticed there is something different that we are experiencing with symptoms of the CV19 virus. Every one of the symptoms in other viral illnesses leads to an externalized expression of symptoms, which means that something is being removed from the body or there is a discharge of toxicity. However, CV19 does not present with discharge or the classic externalization of symptoms like every other virus does. Instead, it presents in people with an internalization of symptoms. For example, physicians are seeing people with hypoxia (or loss of oxygen), organ system failure - because of the loss of oxygen, and difficulty breathing and coughing - again because of the loss of oxygen. There is also the potential for increased clotting, loss of taste or smell, and neurological symptoms.
This doesn’t sound like a viral illness that we understand, and it doesn’t present like a classic coronavirus illness, respiratory illness, or any classic viral illness. So if it is truly a virus, then what kind is it since it is not the way they classically behave in the human body.
There is also controversy around the contagiousness of CV19. Many say it is passed between people, while others claim environmental factors cause the body to react. Dr. Palevsky says in our culture we believe the only way to get it is if someone passes it to you. Now all of the sudden, we have opened up a brand new understanding that people can give you viruses when they are not sick. But that has been true for millennia because we always pass organisms to each other in breath, on our food, or we are born with them in our system. So this idea that the only way to have an organism pass to you is from another person is very short sided.
The fact that we have over 100 trillion microorganisms in our body is proof that exposure to organisms is not sufficient to make us sick. Doctors are exposed to puking, spitting and mucus all the time and rarely get sick. So this means that there must be certain conditions that are allowing for someone to get sick. “Activation of a virus is not only subjected to us.” Those organisms turn themselves on and off in response to environmental factors, foods, air quality, temperature, changes of seasons, stress in the environment, electromagnetic radiation, emotions, psychology, war, poverty, war, starvation, bombs going off, etc etc.
Another perspective:
Getting the same expression of symptoms simultaneously does not imply contagiousness. A good example of this is when you look at a group of 20 women that live in a dorm or share an office together. After a couple of months, this group of women may start to menstruate at the same time. Perhaps not all 20, but maybe 15 out of the 20 will synch up. Did they catch their periods from each other? Of course not. But they did synchronize their body chemistry. How did they get the same expression of symptoms at the same time simultaneously if menstruation is not contagious? We don’t believe that they “infected” each other. There is something not necessarily breathed in or ingested from the women to each other that made them “catch” their periods at the same time. But 5 of them didn’t get their periods. So we suspect that if you are not sick with the organism, you don’t have the organism, and that the only way to be exposed to the organism is if someone sick gives it to you. And then of course you are guaranteed to get sick because the person who is sick must be infectious and give it to you. We see holes in this line of reasoning all the time. We have to embrace that we may be exposed to organisms that make us sick long before we are exposed to the people who make us sick and there are external forces that synchronize amongst members of society that triggered the initiation of those organisms to cause illness.
“Having the same expression of symptoms simultaneously can arise as a result of a synchronization of bio-energetic fields that exist within us, between us, and around us at all times, and to which microorganisms are also affected.”
Somehow we have allowed ourselves to swallow the information that a respiratory virus is now working to give us a blood disorder and clotting factors that are making people sick, when no one has really explained the mechanism by which that happens. We are just accepting, oh it must just be a virus. Yet there are many other things that could explain this such as: hydrogen cyanide poisoning, electro-magnetic radiation, or even a parasite that when inhaled or ingested could be leading to some of the clinical symptoms we are seeing. The problem is the medical community is just accepting that this is it. They are not really talking about what viruses are and aren’t, and what they can and cannot do. Some that have bravely spoken out have been shunned or silenced or laughed at for suggesting other possibilities.
Another strange anomaly is that we are being told this is a viral illness, and yet doctors have been treating patients around the world with two medications that are used to treat parasites and parasitic infections. Drugs like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin that have been used to treat thousands of patients with Malaria all over the world, are effectively helping as a treatment for those in the early stages of a CV19. Not only are they working, but they are helping people feel better really quickly.
So again, if CV19 is a virus why would medications used to treat parasites make patients improve? Here’s a possible explanation.
Other weirdness:
If all of the above scientific anomalies aren’t enough to make to go hmmmm…. there is another piece to this puzzle that deserves mentioning.
In January of 2017, a certain virologist spoke at a Georgetown University dinner saying that there will be “a surprise outbreak” during the Trump administration. Here is a short 20 second clip from that speech:
Coincidentally, this same leading physician then participated in “gain-of-function” research on CV. Not just any virus, THIS particular virus. What this means is that he knew and many others knew that the virus is actually a benign illness. It doesn’t cause much of an infection and it is not very vitriolic, meaning it doesn’t create much of a problem in the body. Doing “gain-of-function” research on CV takes the benign virus and does something to it to make it more vitriolic or more infectious. This makes people get more sick from it. And to reiterate, he wasn’t doing this on any old virus, he was doing it on CV.
And then someone who likes computers (and whose last name rhymes with mates), prepared a simulation pandemic event called Event 201 in October of 2019 in NYC. The purpose of this simulation pandemic? Oh just to be prepared in the event of hypothetical pandemic.
But the simulation was not just on any virus, it was specifically on CV.
Odd to then miraculously have an outbreak of a CV a few months later, no? Oh yeah, and as you recall, this CV is giving people symptoms that are not anywhere near consistent with the way viruses behave.
“A surprise outbreak is no longer a surprise when it sounds more like a plan.”
We are being told to stay home, not to work, to wear masks, and basically to fear anyone we come in contact with. In my opinion, this fear is far worse than the actual germ that has something like a 99% recovery rate. In addition, we are finding all sorts of faults with the reporting and actual numbers and cases being shown to us. There are thousands of examples of causes of death being falsely or inaccurately attributed solely to CV19. If you happened to die from a car accidentally while having CV? That counts as a CV death.
So why aren’t we talking about the recovery rates and the natural remedies or preventative measures, like vitamin C, zinc, and sunlight.
There is a deliberate suppression of the truth and the perpetuation of this narrative. We are told one thing, and then something else a few months later. sure, we can say “but science evolves” and I would agree with you. But that’s not what is happening here. Here’s our friend from earlier on his 180 on wearing masks:
Why are we keeping people in fear and controlling the narrative around this topic? Why all the sudden is someone going to save us from this world-wide pandemic when they “take office” in January? How come we are seeing vaccinations being approved after less than a year of testing when other vaccinations take years or decades to develop? Actually, how can we have a vaccine for something that we don’t even h sweat and yet? It does not make sense. There are too many holes in all of these questions and my energetic “red flags” are on high alert and working overtime to make sense of this whole narrative.
I struggle with CV19 so much because once I started to peel back the layers, it only reinforced my initial gut feeling or intuition. It has become even harder lately because there is pressure to hold space for everyone to have their own truths, and to try to comfort those who are sick, and who are faced with the real consequences that this virus is having on people’s lives. I don’t mean to sound callous or to say that people aren’t getting sick. But my point and what we should be allowed to discuss is - what is really going on here. And to what end will this continue? Two weeks to slow the spread has turned into 9 months, and now people have resorted to shaming their own friends and family members for being grandma killers for wanting to get together for Thanksgiving. The hypocrisy in the rules is also jarring. For example, it is safe to go to protests or to a restaurant, but not to a church or to have a funeral for a loved one. We also have countless examples of elected officials ignoring their own rules. I am more worried about what this is doing to our children, and the psychological effects and ramifications of being locked up away from people, separating loved ones, and forcing businesses to close. I have seen the rates of suicide recently and it is jarring.
There are days I want to shake people and say “WAKE UP! You are letting them walk all over you.” But at the same time I recognize that people are in a state of shock, grief and, extreme fear. They desperately want someone to save them but the key they are missing is that we can all save ourselves. We don’t need someone to swoop in and save us. If people would look within they would know this too.
The point in sharing this as stated beautifully in the interview is to “urge people to give up their certainty, to be ok with doubt and with the unknown. You should be willing to learn things that are either new for you or opposite to what you know. But you shouldn’t look at this just because a doctor said to, but because you thought it through, you discussed it, you looked from all angels and you were willing to be wrong and willing to grow into greater information and greater truth than what was handed to you by the authorities, to whom you gave your power.” - Dr. Polesk
My reality check for myself is to consider how I would feel if I watched this all unfold in a movie 20 years from now. Because I’m sure we will! Ask yourself the same question. How would you feel objectively, as an observer or viewer? Do you feel like something is off here? Don’t ignore those feelings just because someone with supposed authority is telling you to. I am not a doctor, and I don’t claim to know all the answers. But I should be able to question things, especially when my intuition and my resonance is telling me that something here is not what it seems.