Power of now

There is power in every now-moment and choice. We get to decide the lens that we will use to look at every choice, event, or moment in your life. When I woke up this morning, I wasn’t sure what the plan for the day was or what outside factors were going to come into play. I decided to allow myself to be in flow with whatever was going to come up and to just let it be. When we are present in every now-moment, we are tapping into a frequency of presence, sovereignty and knowingness. It is a default that we were always meant to exist in, as it is aligned with the flow state of the universe (refer to this post on accessing flow state) and the “god-source” energy in higher dimensions. But it is easy to distract or to focus on the 3D feeling or event that you are experiencing at any time. This is not wrong - we are in a human body, in a 3D world! (Refer to this earlier post on 3D vs. 5D for more on this). But it is not the only truth or option for our experience in our current reality. There is always a choice to drop into your body and feel your own vibration of love, self, truth and knowingness. From this place, you can ground into this frequency and use it to co-create your reality. This is very similar to the law of attraction in that we do actually use the power of the mind to translate our thoughts and materialize them into reality. In other words, thoughts turn into things. What you choose to put your energy and thoughts into will either allow for expansion and flow, or it will hold you in a lower frequency (of fear, stress, worry, anxiety, etc. as examples).

I recognize it is hard to always pick flow state over playing in the 3D-ness of the world right now. I am fortunate enough to be working from home since the start of Covid which has afforded me some protection from the external realities of 3D life. I can choose to go out in public if I want to venture out. Lately when I see these realities like people wearing masks everywhere, it doesn’t resonate with me anymore. It’s like I’m watching a movie and I am a character participating in the movie, while also looking at it as an audience member.  I see people driving around with their masks on and intuitively it just does not make sense to me. I am not judging people who opt to do this. By taking a step back I can look at it objectively. To me it would be similar to if everyone one day decided to wear a yellow pool floaty on their head. I’m just like you do you, but that is not my reality and it is not a match with my current frequency. Like the magnet analogy, certain things are just not sticking with me now because they are not in resonance so they just fall out of alignment.

For example, while I am out, there is a commercial on the radio just about every two minutes about Covid. This constant subtle reminder can throw off my energy if I allow myself to sit in the lower frequency (the frequencies of fear, anxiety, loss of control, etc). Instead, I choose to turn inward and feel into my sovereignty and knowingness of my self in a flow-state. From this frequency, I am in alignment with my higher self and my knowingness that I am safe, I am in control of my narrative, and I am sovereign and I can choose how to react in that now-moment.

Again, there is no judgement if you spend 95% of the day focusing on those 3D things - because that is what many need to do right now. Even if you can choose to spend some portion of your time being aware of the choice you are making in your energetic response to a given situation, you can shine light on what you are thinking and feeling in those now moments, and why. If you can sit with the feeling of “I am feeling anxiety because I am worried about COVID” you have every right to acknowledge your feelings, allow yourself to feel them, and then choose to drop into your body and breathe, feel your connection with your higher self (or source), and recognize the truth of your knowingness. In that state, you release yourself from the energy or frequency of the anxiety reaction you identified in yourself.

Here is another clip from one of Lorie Ladd’s recent videos on the current energies. I snagged a short clip below because she explains the power of choice. She has also started using the term Care Bearing out our light after someone - (ME!) used this phrase in one of her previous video comments. Talk about synchronicities!! Wow

Practice this when you catch yourself feeling anxiety, stress, worry, anger, etc. that may stem from something external that you are forced to see or participate in. If you can get ahead of these lower frequencies intruding by starting off the day in flow state, you will perpetuate this reality more through out the day, sort of “repelling” the lower frequencies from entering your reality because you are co-creating your reality (power of the mind and law of attraction again).

Here is how I started my day, for inspiration. I chose to spend 5 minutes sitting in my sun room with the amazing sun pouring in, and just be. it is a great way to set your intention for how you want to participate in life on any given day. I encourage everyone to find a spot like this that will allow them to be present and in flow state to start the day off with higher vibrational energy.
