There is something about walking around the streets of Newport that feels like being home to me. I remember my family and I went to Newport and Gloucester once in either the late 80’s or early 90’s. Since then, I have felt a strong connection to the people, nature, and energy of Newport. For some reason the idea of taking Tyler to Newport popped into my head, and two days later, we were on our way. For those of you who know my personality, I don’t like driving in cities, or over big bridges, or anywhere that requires EZ pass. Basically, I prefer to stay in the comforts of familiar places if I am traveling solo, or without another adult. For whatever reason, I felt compelled to take Tyler and concur the trip. With literally zero planning, Tyler and I hopped in the car and made the nearly 2 hour drive, stopping to text Jared to see if he could google somewhere we could park. This is apparently an extremely vague request, as there are between 2 and a million spots to park in Newport depending on the areas. I ended up going with Sayer’s Wharf Parking, in the vicinity of Cooke House Restaurant and Bannister’s Warf / the Mooring. For $8 an hour, this lot put us pretty close to the action and had a nice gate attendant as an added benefit. We spent the day exploring shops, eating ice cream, and meeting some absolutely wonderful people. For anyone who enjoys energy surfing, the people, combined with shops and the vibes from the ocean - I highly recommend a trip to Newport.
At the conclusion of our adventures, Ty and I drove right into the most AMAZING sunset either of us had ever seen. The sheer beauty of the sky, with the all-encompassing color was breathtaking. We stopped for a photos shoot, marveling in the amazing timing we had getting to that spot at the exact right time to fully appreciate the majestic sky.
Trolleys and ice cream
Downtown Newport
Ben and Jerry’s!
Me and the boy
Absolutely amazing trip - one of my top 5 experiences, ever. So thankful that I got to experience it with my boy.