Gifts for the soul

I have been feeling this sense of “you need to take care of yourself” intuitively and from my guides a lot lately. I have been shrugging it off, like yes, I know…. I should be exercising more and resting when I feel like my body needs it, but this was a different feeling.

At the exact same time that I had this thought during my lunch outing, I opened up Twitter and saw this:


Not only do I love owls, obsidian and crystals - but there was an obsidian owl crystal for sale! What are the odds. So I took this as a sign from the universe and bought the owl that day. I really haven’t left the house or bought anything for myself in almost 9 months aside from my daily Starbucks runs, so I thought this was it - this was the THING I was supposed to do.

Well look who arrived today. Meet my new friend, the obsidian owl!

Should I call him O.O. For obsidian owl??


And here he is cleansing after his journey in the mail. :)

I like to leave my new crystals and rocks by a window in the sun or under moon light to clear any negative energetic ties that hitched along for the ride. I also like to place them on a selenite charging pad, surrounded by some of my other go-to favorite crystals, fossils or shells.


I am actually getting a push from my guides to talk more about this topic so I will return to it in another post. But I have added a few photos of some of my collection, and some of the typical stones I work with below for your viewing pleasure.

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