
I noticed that many people in my “spiritual” community are struggling right now because of this polarization between what we are feeling and what we are seeing, and feeling like they are attached to these feelings.

Many people are feeling depressed and struggling with feeling like they have to help others while not being able to help themselves. It doesn’t matter what role you play or or what you do for a living, or even what your thoughts and beliefs are. It is important to remember we are all going through this right now. We are all going through this evolutionary consciousness or ascension while still living our 3D lives. We shouldn’t place judgements or attachments on ourselves by thinking we should feel a certain way or experience a specific thing. We have to surrender into how we are floating through this evolution of consciousness. If you are depressed, struggling, or can’t do your work, the best thing to do is let go of trying to resist what is showing up in your now moment As uncomfortable as it is to surrender into the depression, the moment we completely let go and drop into it is the moment we start to shift.

I struggle with this when I feel like I should be doing “my work” but I am just so tired from everything we are going through. I could choose to lay down for a few minutes and then resume my work, but I am usually only further in resistance then and not giving my self what my body and mind need - to just lay. If I ask myself what my attachments and judgments are around this and actually be honest with myself it could be that “I don’t want to feel this way, it means I’m not doing my work, blah blah blah.” Then I can ask myself what if I just let it be? I can visualize myself floating down a river and hitting a rock, or “depression” and this doesn’t feel good. Allowing myself to just feel what I am feeling is counter intuitive since we have been trained not to do that our whole lives. I have learned over the last year that we absolutely have to surrender into every now moment that presents itself. It is the fastest way through dismantling all the gunk we are feeling, and also, the more often you allow yourself to feel whatever floats up the easier it becomes.

In a previous post I wrote about learning how to be in higher states of consciousness as often as we can but it is also important to note that you cannot force that. On days when we are feeling low and in lower states of consciousness, just let it be. I have noticed doing my own work that the icky feelings don’t last long when you approach your feelings from this state and not attach to the feelings. For example, you could literally think or say to yourself I am feeling depressed or anxious today, rather than “I AM depressed or anxious.” By shifting your thought to I am feeling depression today AND I am going to keep moving forward in my day you release the attachment you have to that emotion. I can choose to do this in whatever way I may need at the time. This could be going outside, listening to music, going for a walk, etc. The important piece is not to attach to that temporary thing.

By placing a label on our emotions and experiences, we create our reality based on this label. When we move to higher frequencies, we have to let go of everything we thought we believed and be the observer. With an observer perspective we remove our attachment to what is unfolding. It is courageous to just show up and put one foot in front of the other and give yourself love and compassion while you are doing that.

Another important piece is that if you have thoughts that differ from someone else, it is not a personal challenge that requires your reaction. You do not have to defend your thoughts, opinions, or beliefs to anyone. If you can detach from feeling like someone is challenging YOU if they they hold a different belief, you are staying in a higher vibration of tolerance and acceptance, you hold higher frequency and also remove any lower frequencies that would be be generated when coming from a place of confrontation or argumentation.


I will go into more detail in another post, but for now try sitting with the feeling of detaching from your experiences and emotions so that you can look at things more objectively and neutrally. This is a foundational piece that will be required in order to move to higher states of awareness.