3D vs. 5D

I realized that I have been tossing around ideas like 3D, 5D and consciousness without actually defining what that is.

Most of us on a spiritual or intuitive path understand that there are things that we know/see/feel that others will not understand. You may have an Aunt who talks to dead people, or you may know someone, like me, who is clairsentient, or feels things intuitively. (You can refer to my earlier post on “the clairs” for a refresher on the different clair-senses and types of psychic abilities). When you start to break down what that actually means, you begin to understand that there are some things that are just beyond our every day current understanding of how time, space, and even our “reality” seems to function. Most people can wrap their head around the idea of spirits, guides, and even God - even if they do not see them or agree. If you are comfortable with those concepts, the next level of understanding comes when we recognize that there are also different realms, densities, or dimensions, that exist and that we are all a part of even if you aren’t aware of them. Even in this current now, we are moving in between dimensions and realities all the time. We go back and forth, everyday, throughout the day as we navigate our lives.

We spend most of our time in the 3rd dimension, or in 3D. This is what most people know of as their every day life, the physical parts - including all our baggage, like emotions, relationships, and different “paradigms” or “systems” we engage with. Energetically, the third dimension is a place of lower vibration, and consists of the illusion of separation and duality. In 3D, only one timeline is available and we live with the construct and illusion of the ego-mind of linear time. Our higher self is not integrated into the physical body here because the body is in a low frequency (or holds a lower vibrational signature required in higher dimensions). In 3D we rely on our egoic mind to guide our decisions.

The fourth dimension is like the dream world. It is also called the Astral Plane. It is a dimension that is less dense and much more fluid than the third dimension, and some people see it as a bridge between the 3rd dimension and the 5th dimension. You may have heard of people describing out of body experiences. This would be the realm or dimension where that happens. In other cultures and throughout history, this is the plane where shamans and ancient civilizations have travelled to, in order to seek information or to connect to the spiritual realms.

The 5th dimension, or 5D is beyond linear time. This means that different timelines / realities are available to access. Living in 5D means living and being from your heart center. In 5D we live according to the universal energetic laws, knowing that we create what we think. There are no mandated rules, regulations or laws. We just are. In my current understanding and awareness, humans are not able to “anchor” into a full 5D way of being - YET. But many of us have our toe in the water, so to speak. In my personal experience, I tend to slip in and out of 5D for longer periods of time and more frequently, as these higher frequencies are anchored in and my body assimilates.

Here’s a nifty info graphic that I have seen floating around that kind of illustrates the qualities of 3D and 5D and how the differ. (Picture 4D kind of in between or like a bridge between the two). I kind of see us right now on the second level from the bottom, starting to understand these distinctions and coming online with our abilities.


Coincidentally, my son drew the picture below the other day without prompting and I thought it actually perfectly captures how I visualize the different dimensions. The earth plane, or our physical / 3D reality, would be represented in the white circle. From there, each color band outward represents a higher dimension.

So you can visualize how each dimension actually all exist at the same time. They are just different levels of awareness and frequencies the higher as you go out from the center / 3D earth plane.


In previous posts I have referenced “spending more time in 5D.” This means that energetically, I hold the vibration and frequency of 5D for longer periods of time through out my day. I am able to recognize when I am sitting or “playing” in 3D. I can choose to stay there, observe, feel, be human - whatever I want. But I can also CHOOSE to enter a flow state, which is that of 5D.

A key piece of information that is important to the puzzle that I speak about is that earth (Gaia), and humans are actively shifting, or ascending, or upgrading the collective consciousness and their own consciousness INTO a 5D state. This is why we are seeing so much divide, drama, and differences play out on the “world stage.” We are seeing and dismantling the lower frequencies at an exponential rate. Within the last few months, I can feel the changes in my own body and have been given confirmation both energetically and from my guides which I will discuss in future posts.

While we are integrating and anchoring in the higher frequencies so that the collective consciousness can now access them more freely (or spend more time in 5D), an important piece to understand about this shift or ascension, is that everything is a choice in how to respond. We can invest time in holding and being in these higher states, or not. Part of it is that as humans we have free will. But the other piece is that this requires somewhat of a trust fall into the knowingness that there is more out there. Many of us who are highly intuitive or have experienced dark nights of the soul have found it comforting and reassuring to know that there are others who are feeling, experiencing, and thinking this way too.

One of the main misconceptions that I have seen online even from well-intentioned people is an idea that people are going to be stuck in 3D if they don’t believe in all “love and light and rainbows and butterflies.” And that’s actually not the case at all. This is a very real shift that is occurring, no matter what or how you personally choose to respond. We are all “going through it,” or evolving and some are just going through it earlier and maybe more intensely right now to sort of pave the way for everyone else, both by raising the frequency of ourselves so we can GROUND the higher energies, and by also showing others the way through it. On top of this, it is also very very heavy to FEEL all of the energies swirling around and the dismantling of old systems occurring personally and in the collective. Since many of us who are highly sensitive or intuitive have felt every change, nuance of thought/emotions, or drama in the world around us from a really early age, we are all acutely aware of what is going on, and may be more equipped to process it. More on this later.

The other question I see a lot is how can there be two realities (or more) playing out at the same time if people are all PHYSICALLY here on earth. What I have learned, been shown by my guides, experienced myself, and confirmed with others, is that we are not relocating or physically leaving or going somewhere. Our bodies still exist on the 3D earth plane, while our consciousness taps into the higher frequencies or 5D realms. I think I heard someone describe it once like tuning into a different frequency or radio signal in the car. You are still here, you are just experiencing (with your senses and intuition) something else. What I am shown is that there are sort of different levels of awareness on the earth right now. Many humans are walking around in a fog, oblivious to anything else going on in the background. Others have their toe in the 5D, meaning they know there is something else out there, they just don’t know what it is or how to access it. Then there are others who spend more time “playing” in 5D in a sense, exploring and learning about what is out there. I don’t know of anyone personally who says they are fully in 5D at this current time, but it is the direction, or trajectory, that earth is heading. People will start to experience this more and more if they aren’t already. You will begin to see things actually look different physically (this is easiest to see in nature), have more vivid dreams and lucid experiences in dream state, be drawn to certain topics or even people, and from there it only gets cooler. More on that another time. :)


As a real world example of how we are sort of existing in both realities right now, I was having a conversation with a co-worker the other day after I was out sick recently. She asked how I was feeling and I politely responded, “better now, but the energies have been crazy lately.” She chuckled and sympathized, understanding that with everything going on in the (3D) world right now, it does feel crazy - between the election, COVID, etc. etc. But I obviously didn’t get into the repercussions of the “crazy energy” that I am feeling as an active participant in transmuting and holding those crazy energies.

The interesting point to note is that everyone is feeling it, they just may respond to it differently or be less aware of it than others right now. Some people are feeling physically off, others are coping with depression, stress or anxiety, and still others are riding it out in their own ways. All are valid and real experiences felt by individuals and by the collective right now. My hope, and the reason for deciding to document all of this now, is that it will help people to see that there IS more out there, and we always have a choice in how to respond, even if it feels like we don’t in any now moment.

Here is a clip from one of my favorite YouTube channels (Lorie Ladd), where she talks about the power and importance of making these choices in every now moment.

Ok, this is going to require several more posts on why there is this “call to action” or “activation” that many are feeling. But I wanted to get this all out to start while it was still fresh in my mind!